Success story: Nystatin powder

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Hi Guys. I don’t normally do this kind of thing but after reading some of the posts I felt compelled to help and share my experience of how I CURED my S.D.

I’m a 32 year old Irish Stud (joke). In 2011 I developed a small spot underneath my right eye. Little red patch and would come and go. I took no notice. I returned to Ireland after 6 years in Sydney and in 2012 my S.D. had spread to about a 50cent coin size of bright red flaky skin under both eyes, one on my cheek and another on my chin.

Like you guys I tried everything and anything and couldn’t figure out WTF this was. My G.P. gave me steroidal cream (daktocort) twice to apply. No good. I then went to him the third time and he suggested that I should try some Daktocort I said enough of this clown.

A doctor in my neighbouring town was known to be a good dermatologist so I gave him a visit. Told him my whole story and I was ecstatic he gave me a cream that he claimed would sort it out. No good. I discovered a few days later this cream was a generic version of Daktocort. (I’m a clown).

I know it had to be something I’m eating or allergic to so I bit the bullet and booked an appointment with a specialist doctor who deals with allergy and skin conditions. He was expensive (150euros) but I was willing to pay anything to get rid of these blotches on my face!

So I walk into his office. “Hi Sean. You have some allergies do you”. Me- “I don’t know. I’m mainly here to fix this”, pointing at my facial rash. “Ah yes, that’s no problem, that’s seborrheic dermatitis, we can fix that easy”.

I was elated. He did a skin test anyway which turned out to be very helpful as it showed I was actually 80% allergic to Cow’s milk. That would explain why any night I would have a glass of milk with dinner, I would wake up with a hangover the next day. Cow’s milk is for baby calves not humans!!!

I have yet to find what this legend of a man gave me to fix my S.D. on any thread on the interweb!

NYSTATIN POWDER. It’s a disgusting tasting powder that you mix with a bit of food or water. He explained that I had a fungal imbalance in my gut and that what caused my S.D. Nystatin attacks the fungus in your gut. Your body can’t digest nystatin. It passes through but on the way upsets the fungus.

He also gave me a “gut fermentation” diet to follow for a month. Basically no sugar or simple carbs. Could still eat rice and potatoes which was a bonus being Irish!!!!!!! Also take a probiotic everyday to help my gut bacteria.

I went home and started taking the powder as directed. Tip of a spoon for 3 days, half a spoon for 3 days and work up to a full tea spoon. I never did the diet.

I never to this day took even half a spoon. A small amount of this stuff and within 3-4 days people were giving me compliments on how well I looked. I was completely free of S.D. and dandruff.

Every now and then it would reoccur as I would eat a lot of sugar and I never followed his advice and did the diet for a month to balance my gut flora but the powder did the trick every time.


I watched a doc called “fat sick and nearly dead”. It’s on YouTube. I recommend it. It’s funny and very informative. About a guy with horrible skin conditions, diabetes and weight problems who went on a diet of just fresh veg and fruit juice daily for 3 months. He was cured of all conditions and off all medication after 2 months and lost a shed load of weight. I did this for 10 days before I discovered Nystatin and it was the only thing that cured my S.D. but it is very severe. Who wants to live their life not eating and drinking just green juice?

I’m waffling. I hope this helped someone and would love to hear back.

Good Luck.


UPDATE December 29, 2018: This website has moved. Find the new and up-to-date collection of SD cures and treatments on

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